Girls in ICT

Girls in Innovation communication technology

Girls in ICT is a worldwide annual event, created for the purpose of encouraging girls to become involved in the ICT discipline. This year, International Girls in ICT Day will be celebrated on 28 April. For girls and young women to thrive in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers, they need safe and reliable access the internet and digital tools. That’s why, in consultation with youth, “Access and Safety” was we identified as the theme for Girls in ICT 2022. Gracanica Innovation Center (GIC) will organize open day for girls and women to present possibilities that are created in our innovation center, including courses, projects, products and services. GIC will present how we provide access to creativity and innovations in modern technologies, and in the same time having in mind importance of safety online. You can hear more about technology courses we are providing, but also you can see how to create own 3D products in our innovation center.

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